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The importance of a good daily eyelid cleansing routine

A good daily eyelid cleansing routine is more important than you think.

With more and more people experiencing a condition called ‘dry eye,’ we have made sure we offer a range of solutions to keep your eyes healthy.

A cleansing routine for your eyes during the evening ensures you can remove all of the things your eyes are exposed to on a normal day! 

One of our most popular products has to be Blephaclean by our friends at Thea Pharmaceuticals. A simple to use disposable wipe which has the following benefits 

  • Free from preservatives, parabens, perfumes and soap
  • Suitable for delicate skin
  • No need to rinse
  • Suitable for contact lens wearers
  • So sensitive that its suitable for children over 3 months old 
  • A CE marked medical device – clinically superior to alternatives 

We have many patients using Blephaclean – some as great make-up remover at night (removing all the unwanted build up and keeping the good stuff your eye needs,) through to others using it as part of a daily routine to help control a dry eye condition.

For any more information on Blephaclean or our rang of products for your eyes and eyelids, pop in to see us.


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