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Knutsford to begin eye examinations again

Posted on July 10th, 2020

Thank you all for your patience with us whilst we adapt the business to our new normal!  Knutsford will resume eyecare services from 5th August. We have a waiting list for patients who want to see us, so please call 01565 632066 to speak to the team to add you name to the list and
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Time to test eyes….

Posted on June 18th, 2020

We have an exciting update to share with you today. We have started to see patients in the Wilmslow practice for appointments to choose eyewear (prescription, sunglass or even both,) plus we will begin eye examinations and contact lens checks from the beginning of July. Initially we are offering appointments at the Wilmslow store, whilst
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A new normal

Posted on June 4th, 2020

I’am actaully a bit fed up of seeing ‘a new normal,’ but there isn’t must else we could call it really so I have gone with it for this blog. All at C&I hope you are safe and well and adjusting to whatever work and family life has thrown at you over the last two
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Still here for you…

Posted on April 9th, 2020

Hello all, what a weird few weeks for everyone. We just wanted you to know that we are still here for you and that we are available during our normal working hours which are: Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm Saturdays 9am-4:30pm In line with NHS and government guidance we are not able to offer any routine eye or
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Coronavirus COVID-19 Update for Clare & Illingworth

Posted on March 24th, 2020

To you, our amazing patients and customers…..Thank you for being so understanding during such a stressful time. Here’s a quick update: “During the developing Covid-19 pandemic we have been advised to cancel all routine appointments. This includes all Diabetic Screenings. However, we are always here for you and we are working behind closed doors to
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Coronavirus Covid-19 Update

Posted on March 11th, 2020

You will no doubt be aware of the evolving situation concerning the Coronavirus (or Covid-19) and the associated flu like illness it can cause. We want to reassure you that we take Infection Control very seriously at all times and have implemented additional cleaning and sanitising procedures to protect the health of our patients, visitors
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A scientifically formulated eye health supplement available through C&I

Posted on January 18th, 2020

The Macula is a yellow pigmented structure at the back of the human eye which is responsible for the central vision. Our central vision is critical to seeing detail, colour and objects directly in front of us. Deterioration of the macula can lead to blurring and the possible loss of central vision. During 2019 we
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The importance of a good daily eyelid cleansing routine

Posted on January 18th, 2020

A good daily eyelid cleansing routine is more important than you think. With more and more people experiencing a condition called ‘dry eye,’ we have made sure we offer a range of solutions to keep your eyes healthy. A cleansing routine for your eyes during the evening ensures you can remove all of the things
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